Festival Homepage: Chess Festival - Seahorse of Rewal
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Applications and contact

If You have any questions - please fill the form below.

Obligatory applications together with accommodation orders should be sent by 06.08.

  • By email: caissa@republika.pl or
  • by phone: +48 68 355 34 80, + 48 509 983 593 gm Juri Zezulkin (the Director of Festival) or
  • by mail: SRGU Strategy, ul. Piaskowa 6A/24, 67-120 Kożuchów, Poland
  • or using form below

Application should contain the name, surname, date of birth, chess category, ranking and information about lodging.

Whose application will be registered after 06.08.2007 will pay additional charge of 5 euro.

Obligatory presence on technical briefing in day 20.08 at 21:00 in Holiday House Antisol, Warszawska str.10

Contact Form
